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Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

If I wanted to purchase smallish indoor plants, what's good to buy? @ArraDreaming  I live in Melb....oh, and when to buy them also... there's no point getting a plant in the middle of winter if it's just going to die.

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

@ArraDreaming I never realised you worked with plants. Totally agree with all the stuff you wrote about how it can help with mental health.  For me I had a lot of moving and instability when young, so I have loved digging in ... putting down roots ... my roots ... and then hanging around long enough to see how things actually grow and change through the seasons.


Loving this thread.  I am having another go with coriander lol ... getting used to it being fussy.  A few other things doing their thing, mostly in pots so they are

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

Yes I am a qualified landscape gardener but over the last 2 years I have been focusing on less landscaping projects and more horticulture type work. I work in a nursery as a supervisor. @Appleblossom
that’s interesting to hear your story and it all links back to mental health doesnt it esp about solidifying your roots…

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

Its been hugely important to me @ArraDreaming 

I was mostly inner city as a child and not used to a garden or knowing what to do cos it was not being done around me.  Then some country farm exposure, but always a deep sense of connection to country and studied earth science for a few years.  I did not deliberately landscape my gardens, but very much trial and error and after 20 years in one place, I have effectively sculpted the landscape of the end of our court.  It gives me pride and my son pride.  It had been cleared and only builders clay when we arrived.  


I have been on and off regarding edibles.  On again lately ... 

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

Hi everyone, 


Apologies as this had to go on hold for a few days but we back!!


Today I’d like to talk about growing in small spaces… 


It is surprising how much can be grown in a small space. Many people have small yards or small areas for their garden to grow but that shouldn’t stop you. 

A advantage to maximising your space is if you plant your garden densely, not only do you get less weeds, the plants themselves increase overnight due and humidity, which helps growth. Growing 5 or more plant family types together helps the microbial population explode in soil, which in turn allows for mire bacterial and fungal protection by the microbes around the plants root zone.



  What do microbes do I hear you ask… 

Microbes feed plants and plants in return feed the microbes, and the microbes (good bacteria and beneficial fungi) protect their food source fighting off bad bacteria and bad fungal attacks. Above ground you can see the health of plants lifted due to what is going on underneath, and by companion planting your garden, the insect pests will either be deterred, or they will sorted out by the predator insects that the companion plants bring. You will see me write about companion plants, this means plants that do best together. This is very important if you have a small space and want to maximise it.


Support the original post to receive a notification when the next post in the series is shared. I hope this has inspired you to look at your space and try to work with what you have. You will see and feel the benefits!! 

@Appleblossom @tyme @Dimity @Oaktree @Bow @Krishna @Historylover @Vanessa08 

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

Thanks @ArraDreaming  for that information. I’ve always grown my own food as much as possible and spaced quite closely together. All my greens are thriving. Kale spinach lettuce broad beans garlic and turmeric all share space. Parsley coriander rocket mint in a separate garden also thriving. I receive so much joy from my garden and the taste from garden to plate has no comparison. 

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

I have a nursery close to home that I'll be visiting soon @Krishna @ArraDreaming @Appleblossom @Dimity @Oaktree . Hoping to get some greenery at home.

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

Back for another post! 

Today is all about the HOW. 

Sowing seeds, either direct in the garden, or into seedling trays and punnets is never ending if you are going to grow your own food from seed. It takes a lot of time and work . You can buy seedlings started ready to go in the ground. This is ideal for new gardeners. Planting something everyday in the garden either a seed, or seedling beside a plant that is spent means a continued supply. A spent plant means it has finished growth or providing produce.
When plants are spent maybe the are finished for the season simply cut off at ground level (if growing in a veggie patch) this is leaves the soul intact and adds organic matter to the soil. Simply sow the new seeds or seedling next to it.


Don’t forget to support the original post for a tag when this post is updated! 
@tyme @Krishna @Appleblossom @Dimity @Oaktree @Historylover @Vanessa08 

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

Sounds good @tyme . I'm hoping to plant out a few things tomorrow before the rain Tuesday. I've been digging out oxalis but might just hoe in the other weeds.