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Re: Struggling

ok @Candypiper1
Enjoy your walk with doggo
Let us know how you are when you are back

Re: Struggling

Hey @MDT @outlander @greenpea @WIP , 

I'm back home now. Doggo enjoyed her walk.

Re: Struggling

its good you went for a walk @Fluttershy1 i hope you might be feeling a little better

Re: Struggling

@outlander - tiny little bit better, can you stay and chat?

Re: Struggling

yeah i can stay for a little while @Fluttershy1
ive just made a tea and put on a movie. the weather here is so dangerous atm that i have no intentions of going outside

Re: Struggling

@outlander - am crying family are judging me agin...

me go hide I sad 😣😣

urges to SH are back. 

Re: Struggling

im assuming since your an adult you might have your own room? i know its not great staying in the room but perhaps you could go in there and do some more of your diamond painting with some music on.
I know that family can be so tough to be around

Re: Struggling

@outlander - yeah I'm a adult, it's just driving me bonkers cause I can only do it out in the dining room table

Re: Struggling

have you got some space to yourself? @Fluttershy1 like anywhere in the house that you can go to for a little while? doesnt have to be a bedroom, it could be sitting out on the verandah/porch, or doing a little bit of gardening or like a sunroom or other space in the house?

I know its really hard to want to do anything for family when they are so judgemental but what about cooking a family dinner? something positive to say rather then negative.

Re: Struggling

@outlander - nope never get my own space, 

I'm going crazy, they don't let me cook dinner for everyone which is annoying because I'm a very fussy eater due to my ED