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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

Hi ya @Shaz51 

How's your day been?

Re: My special place

Okish @Snowie xx

One of my aunties called in this morning 

Have not wanted to do anything after that visit soo taking it easy today 

Re: My special place

Some days we just need to take it easy @Shaz51 

Family can be really good to see but can be very tiring.


Re: My special place

Sure can @Snowie , still nice to see her 

Se is 7 years younger than my mum xx

Re: My special place

Good that it was nice to see her @Shaz51 

Have you got much on this week?

Re: My special place

@Snowie some herbs are pretty mild, and make food taste nicer 🙂. You don’t need anything fancy. There is a lot of anti inflammatory food out there too. I do find having a clean diet helps, the processed food in excess can cause inflammation, and inflammation can affect our mental health.

I have had really bad brain fog for some time. I’m hoping my body can heal over time. Stress does affect the body over the long term.

Do you think something like grounding will help you feel more present in your body? 💖🫂. Always here if you want to chat

Re: My special place

I do use herbs in cooking @creative_writer 

A lot of the food I make is from scratch. I don't buy a lot of processed foods. Have some of course but try and keep it clean. D has gut issues so she doesn't handle processed foods well.


You are right, stress does affect the body. I think it affects us in many different ways.


I feel like shouldn't be awake for a few reasons. I just don't get why I bother anymore. It just feels useless.

Re: My special place

@Snowie homemade meals are the best. I also have a sensitive gut, so I very picky with what I do eat when we do get takeaway. I also like getting some of my protein from plants too. Too much meat feels too much for me.

You are far from being useless, hon. It takes a lot of strength and resilience to wake up and face the day with your MH struggles. We all believe in you on the forums. Always here for you 💖🫂

Re: My special place

They do say a balanced diet can help with mh @creative_writer Not sure if it's true or not.

I feel yuk if I have too much fat's. We don' have take away much, but always seem to buy myself a coffee when I'm down the street.


I'm just over it. Kids are home, lucky I made tea early so I don't have to surface. Rang someone again but didn't seem to help.

Re: My special place

@Former-Member this is where I normally am. I don't like taking up others thread and also with the guidelines about not repeating yourself across multiple threads. 


Illustration of people sitting and standing

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