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Re: My special place

Just a lot on my mind @creative_writer I get to sleep ok, it's just staying asleep I am struggling with. Today has been a bit of a mixed bag.


At least you are getting some of your uni work completed hon. That is an achievement within itself.

Re: My special place

@Snowie here for you if you want to talk 💖🫂. Some days can be confusing.

I’ve gone from un-functional to sort of functional with moments here and there is promising. I guess my brain is prone to going on overdrive, I get distracted very easily

Re: My special place

My brain just switches from wanting to be here to not wanting very quickly @creative_writer 

I'm struggling a bit from what I did yesterday.


It is hard to find the concentration at times. to not get distracted. Sometimes just studying is hard enough, let alone trying to complete assignments.


Re: My special place

@Snowie I think that switch is very natural when you’re struggling. Many sit on the fence and it’s hard.

A lot of things can be more difficult with MI and being ND, but I can only do the best.

Re: My special place

That fence seems to be leaning one way lately @creative_writer It makes it hard to hang on.


I think you are amazing that you can have your MI and still study. You are achieving so much and not letting your MH stand in the way. I have no doubt in you hon that you will succeed.



Re: My special place

@Snowie and since you’ve hold on this far, it just shows how strong and resilient you are 💖

Having MI and uni isn’t easy. I’ve had so many moments when I underperformed

Re: My special place

But you have had lots of times where you over performed too @creative_writer When you got those assignments in on time, where you learnt things.


Holding on is tiring. I don't think this platform is the type of place where I can really say what has happened.

I don't want to trigger anyone.

Re: My special place

@Snowie I rarely get assignments on time, usually get extension. Sent in an extension for second assignment. I’m still doing assignment one which was meant to be due on Monday. Have I learnt things, maybe, but I’m honestly just winging it. I honestly feel more stupid than intelligent, despite what others say. Then it is hard to believe in yourself.

I totally get what you mean. I hope you are able to reach out for support if you need it. I know you say you don’t want to be reliant on it, but it’s perfectly human to need it at times 💖

Re: My special place

You are no where near stupid @creative_writer It is hard to see what is inside us. To see what we are doing well. It is so easy to concentrate on the negative aspects of our lives.


I reached out before. It has helped to get through tonight. Will see what tomorrow brings.


Re: My special place

@Snowie it is hard to believe the positive, maybe it’s human nature to hyperfocus on what we are lacking.

Glad reaching out helped you. I do hope tomorrow is kinder for you 💖