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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

I agree, @creative_writer , if outside clothes get on the bed I would have to change all the bedding! 



@Snowie  You've inspired me and I raked the whole lawn, put all the rubbish out, did some laundry and am now tidying up! 

Re: My special place

@NatureLover 2 teenagers plus hubby and I mean I need to wash most days. I try and do every day so it doesn't pile up. Plus both of their work uniforms multiple times a week.


Got the vacuuming done. Trying just to sit for a bit. Having a coffee.


@creative_writer I never knew that about ginger. I might have to try it.


Sounds like both of you don't like germs. Is that related to your mh or is it something you have always been aware of?


I hope both your days are going ok.

Re: My special place

Posted at the same time @NatureLover!!


Glad you are getting some things done 😁

Re: My special place

@Snowie wrote:

Sounds like both of you don't like germs. Is that related to your mh or is it something you have always been aware of?


It's OCD @Snowie . I've always had it, although it was much less as a child. 


It's a gorgeous day outside, isn't it! That really helps my motivation. Good luck with trying to sit for a while and slow down...

Re: My special place

OK @NatureLover 

It must be hard at times to live with, especially when it affects your daily life.


It is sunny here but still cold outside. Not sure if I will venture out there. Have enough inside to do to keep me occupied.

Re: My special place

@NatureLover I would be very cranky if someone put their outside clothes on my bed, especially their PTV and doctors clothes. I don't even like outside socks in the house.

@Snowie ginger is amazing for when you're feeling under the weather from pesky germs or for allergies. I also find it can ease pain a bit too, wouldn't say it's a miracle, but good alternative for pain relief meds in certain circumstances. It's not healthy to take pain relief for my migraines too frequently. My maternal side of family have a lot of OCD traits, so my mum sort of transferred them to us through habits and genetics

Re: My special place

I never knew all that about ginger @creative_writer The next time I go to take pain meds I will try that instead. I'm not really one that is into herbal remedies.


I'm tired now. I've crashed on the couch too tired to move. I've had prn. Only me home.


How is your day going?



Re: My special place

@Snowie I think it really depends on the intensity of pain, I would probably still need a painkiller if I was in crippling pain, but I am grateful that doesn't happen as often anymore. But it is nice to have herbal stuff on top of regular meds. I take vitamins for migraines too along with the medication preventatives. You just have to be careful there is no interaction with herbal stuff since some herbs are strong. I don't take the strong herbs, would be wary of that since not much is known about a lot of them.

Nothing wrong with taking PRN if you need it, lack of sleep does eventually take a hit. I feel like the need of sleep is often underestimated in society. You hear about students pulling all nighters, if I did that, my MH would suffer.

I'm okay. It's weird though, increasing my matcha intake has helped me feel better, I wouldn't say it's a miracle or perfect, but I can think clearer and feel more calm. Brain fog is still there but not to the same intensity. I don't know if it's the caffeine, or something else or multiple reasons. My attention span has been really bad for so long that I felt sort of stupid and felt like I was always underperforming. I still have a long way to go in improving my attention span. I know they say to be careful with caffeine and bipolar, but I'm not consuming too much caffeine or matcha anyways

Re: My special place

I do take some vitamins @creative_writer just no herbal. Perhaps something I need to look into.

I'm sorry about your brain fog hon. Hopefully over time it can improve. If the matcha and caffeine help then I'd say keep using it.


Brain's gone haywire. I'm neither here nor there. I can't help myself.


Re: My special place

Hugs @Snowie ❤️

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