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Senior Contributor

Flight mode

Where is it taking me

Senior Contributor

Re: Flight mode

What sort of disconnect is this

Re: Flight mode

Hey @Just, I'm hearing that you're feeling disconnected? Do you feel able to talk a bit more about what's going on for you at the moment?



Re: Flight mode

Hi @Just are you ok

Re: Flight mode

Yes, will work through it. Thanks 

Re: Flight mode

Hi @Just 


Just saw your post and thought I'd check in to see if your okay.🌻



Re: Flight mode

Yes, I'm ok. How are U?

Re: Flight mode

I seem to turn off, for a shorter time now.@

Re: Flight mode

I have a bit more control, or at least I think I do. 

Re: Flight mode

Hi @Just 


I'm glad to read that you have a bit more control.  I have suffered from 'emotional disconnection', that feeling of emptiness and a total disconnection to everything and everybody.  I am taking baby steps to manage it but some days it leaves me exhausted.


Anyway, I'm glad you have a bit more control over it.  However, it can be really hard which is why I live alone as I can't be around people 24/7.


Take care of yourself as best you can.  Not always easy is it? 😔


R 🌻