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Re: under 30s thread

Hi @outlander
I am not bad thanks. Didn't have work today so that's nice. Too hot. Went for a swim in the pool and also had a look at where I will go in July.
Also trying to get a date via tinder (even though I don't like tinder I'm just seeing what happens). Might get deleted off of the girls app lol. Worth a shot. Currently waiting for neighbours to get rid of their table. Mum is sick so I need to give them the key.
Other than that I guess not much. Are you effected by the fires in your area @outlander?
How is everyone else? Hey @NameUnknown

Re: under 30s thread

Hi @Hamsol01

Re: under 30s thread

thats good @MDT nice day for a swim 

good luck with tinder hope it goes ok for you and something comes up soon. 

no not fire affected thankfully quite a few hrs away from me 

Re: under 30s thread

Me too @outlander lol

Re: under 30s thread

hello and welcome
you guys are more than welcome o chat here if you would like about anything. im sure us young memebers will be able to relate to some of your troubles. heres also a place for just general chats too not everthing has to be mental health related 🙂

hello also @hamsolo01 @The-red-centaur and everyone here

Re: under 30s thread

@Eden1919 above post for you too

Re: under 30s thread

@MDT ^^^ didnt tag properly

Re: under 30s thread

@Boonanathis is the under 30s thread, your welcome to come chat here anytime

@The-red-centaur@MDT@Eden1919 are other members that are also young 🙂

Re: under 30s thread

Thanks @outlander 😊
How old are you?

Re: under 30s thread

no worries @Boonana

im 22