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Re: under 30s thread

Unfortunately it can happen as well he doesnt know where u work and was just going there for the obvious reasons @gymgirl240
Can you try and distract yourself abit by reading a book watching a movie doing some arts... or anything you like to do

Re: under 30s thread

@outlandermy boss said after it all happened that he saw him walk back and forward infront of the shop. im going to the gym soon to try and get my mind off of it and just sucks that nothing is getting done about my case 


Re: under 30s thread

Good luck at the gym @gymgirl240 if you feel unsafe then maybe see if you can get a friend or family member to go with you too.
I know you cant talk about your case but i hope things are getting sorted for you soon..

Re: under 30s thread

@outlanderi have a close friend who always come to the gym with me so going with him and thank you again for helping even just listening helps and i hope they do get sorted soon 

Re: under 30s thread

thats really great @gymgirl240 and no worries im always happy to listen and help 

keep talking and taking care of yourself ok and im always happy to help Heart

Re: under 30s thread

Re: under 30s thread

Hi @outlander,
I posted how I have been on Long rave, but the short version is I feel like crap but still here

Re: under 30s thread

ill take a read @NameUnknown 

im glad your still here, hows your weekend been?

Re: under 30s thread

Well I tried to keep my focus on the fun but my head apparently didnt agree and I kept getting distracted with my troubles when I should have been enjoying my weekend with my partner and son

Re: under 30s thread

hmm mental health had other ideas hey @NameUnknown that kinda sucks but we cant always predict when we are going to be ok and not ok 

hope things improve for you soon