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Re: under 30s thread

I've been really busy. Trying to juggle an involuntary hospital stay and starting uni. I'm just glad they're letting me go to class or I would have had to drop out.
Started all new medication and really not functioning

Re: under 30s thread

Hey @Eden1919 nice to see you again. I have been alright thanks. Just trying to geta stable balance in life atm with a job at my uni even though I am finished there. Volunteering a bit too. Upgrading some technology too like phone and pc.

Hey @gymgirl240 good luck with the license. Is that for p's?

@The-red-centaur what are you going to study?

Sup @outlander 🙂

I am okay today. Just a bit sad and fed up is all. Grocery shopping next after my daily coffee fix. Then work this evening.

Re: under 30s thread

@MDT stability of any kind is always hard to find in my case but it is always good to keep trying anyway. i wish you luck with it all. 

@The-red-centaur balancing hospital and uni is super hard from my experience just try not to be hard on yourself also i hope the med changes are helpful but i know it can take time. 

Re: under 30s thread

that sounds rough @The-red-centaur its good your still able to attend class though. do you know how long your in hospital for?


hey @MDT your doing pretty good getting a balance up with work and volunterring. 


@Eden1919have anything planned for the weekend?

Re: under 30s thread

@outlander I am meeting up with a friend but other than that nothing much. how about you?

Re: under 30s thread

sounds good @Eden1919 hmm not much planned for me. jsut taking it day by day atm and dealing with whatever comes. 

Re: under 30s thread

@outlander that sounds like a good way to go about things. day to day is much easier to focus on. 

Re: under 30s thread

its really the only way atm. i cna plan appts etc but take the rest as it comes. my days change really quickly. i think im helping mum and sisters ride their horses again so thats something to do i guess @Eden1919

Re: under 30s thread

Sounds good @Eden1919
Hope you enjoy it

Re: under 30s thread

@outlander i can understand that sometimes we have to do whatever works and if taking it one day at a time is what is working then that is what you do. but it does make it hard to plan ahead i guess.