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Re: Tabaluga's

prob better off now in some ways than a year ago --- sure is @TAB 😎

Re: Tabaluga's

@Bill16  hey hun been for a beautiful walk with eldest.  saw middle son with ex which was great.  no news just enjoying this wonderful weather.  hope life is treating you kindly.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

got to roll here @Shaz51  taking commo to servo for sum petty lol ..

Re: Tabaluga's

@Shaz51 @Historylover @TAB @StuF 


Thankyou for the kind birthday wishes today. Its been a quiet day but was able to do a few nice things for myself and get out and walk again. Have been doing detox and improving my metabolism was able to power through my exercise today without tiring. Am so grateful for the shift in energy. Hoping to hop back on the wagon and resume my weightloss goals. Hit a plateau last year and gained a bit this year and since then the needle hasn't moved so here we go with it again with some renewed vigor. I reckon I can do this.  We'll see how I go. I want to heal my metabolism to boost energy and go deeper with meditation to lower cortisol as an adjunct to my fitness program.  And don't forget the resistance bands! lol.


I hope everyone has had a nice day today.  Think I might flake out for now!

Re: Tabaluga's

@Bill16 @TAB @StuF hey cool friends, had a nap after lunch. Done all household chores. Reading the bible and praying. Feel a lot better. Hope you're all okay


Re: Tabaluga's

@SmilingGecko happy birthday SG. Enjoy your special day


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

shopping done @Meowmy  went for a bit of a drive afterwards.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

thanks @SmilingGecko  hope your day was alright. 

Re: Tabaluga's

Thanks @Meowmy for b'day wishes just did some resistance bands this afternoon and felt a lot better. You keep me motivated which is a good thing


@TAB what weight bearing exercise did you used to do? My diabetes educator had me on resistance bands. I've got to be consistent but when thyroid was playing up had no energy. I reckon if I build more muscle again it will metabolise more fat.


Apart from that resistance bands is great "psychotherapy" as lots of emotional stuff is held in the muscle. I used to do bodywork years ago (deep tissue) and lots of it was released when I had sessions.  I now follow a former bodyworker who has routines for releasing emotional stuff from your muscle system. The things he does are gruelling and you have to be at peak health but I just do what I can with my own routine. Once I am stronger and leaner I will launch into it. But not ready for it just now

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB well done tabby re shopping. Did a little kettlebell.  Soaking some old strawberries. So much dirt.