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Re: Tabaluga's

Just back in from a walk @TAB@Glisten I'm sorry you have to face all that regarding your ex. Its what happens when you have to confront situations you'd rather not face xo If the sauna is working then that is good but you don't want to deplete your adrenals with toxic stress from the legal case. @TAB it was a good walk today. Will do Bian Stone session in another half an hour or so. I caught the morning sunrise so hopefully lots of lovely melatonin production tonight. Have gone back to the inner circle online UFO group. The guy that convenes it is from The Great White Brotherhood. Its really testing my personal paradigms. A breath of fresh air but my perceptions and world view are certainly being challenged by things I wasn't aware of.

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF  The NEW section is making G rather frustrated.

I’m missing a substantial amount of tagged posts. That costing me a lot of energy.

I’m fragile atm and need the comradeship of the forum. Therefore will persevere 😣 


Re: Tabaluga's

Yeah nah not even @Glisten born that way,I can swim like a dolphin ay

Re: Tabaluga's

Yeah @Glisten  - me too with the frustration! It's actually got worse...before I was getting some, now I seem to not get any! Here's hoping it comes back soon


Sorry to hear you're fragile. Hang in there. What works, other than sauna (simply because I guess you couldn't spend your whole days in the sauna for health reasons if nothing else)?

Re: Tabaluga's

@SmilingGecko  I certainly don’t want to deplete my adrenal glands. 
I’m feeling chillaxed right now.

@SmilingGecko  are you referring to The Family, aka Santiniketan Park Association aka Great White Brotherhood, formed in the mid-1960s?

@TAB might know more about it than me.


Re: Tabaluga's


I think @SmilingGecko  means this:


(I could be wrong, of course!)

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF  narcissistic abuse syndrome/ narcissistic victim syndrome is similar to being brainwashed. You are made to believe everything is your fault and you are always wrong. Your successes are systematically destroyed. You are not human, you are a resource to be used.

For example, the day you were very supportive and validating to me because I thought no man would ever look at me, because some D-head said to me, that he thought I liked girls. - Not that there is anything wrong with that.

You said “there’s always D-head somewhere”.

And I was like “Yeah why did I take any notice of that D-head”.

You said exactly the right thing. @StuF you pulled me back to what I know is true.

I am so grateful that you responded to me that day.


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

wtf yeah people used to do that in the Army after coming back from leave ie chunder , I had to bail out of PT session, the instructor was like 'didnt you keep yr fitness up on leave?" ..for real .. spent bes t part of a month in pub lol @Glisten  stil not too crash hot after nap oh well

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

got fire going @Meowmy  still feel bit rubbish. had nap. maybe tv soon. it was raining before

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, 👋