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Re: Good Morning!

Hey there @Former-Member   Slow start for me today. Last nights storm was the master of my environment,  another clean up, Twisted rigging of branches and leaf.  But. . . I like the feeling that there is still something I can't control.   

I asked my shrink once about the smoke, rubber, n rev's. She told me councils, cities, countries, all over the world have paid Universities millions, to profile the minds behind this behaviour, because it is a growing problem. The cost of the adverse health effects on the peaceful majorities, runs into the billions..


She clicked a few buttons, spun her laptop to me and said read. Hundreds of studies all cane to similar conclusions about the mind of a person that likes to make their car / bike as loud as possible. Of course the nett always tells us what we want to hear. But she said,  . .  no,  she is involved with just such a study right now with local government. She deals with it in her office every day she replied.


I won't get into a link posting thing.  There's just way too many, and the wildlife singing out the window,  remind me to enjoy this place of peace as long as I can, and that I'm finally surrounded by other peace  seekers.



Mastering  The Environment.     I saw a wildlife documentary only a month ago on  ABC  TV. 

Apparently  95 % of all earths weight of mammals are either  Humans,   There pets, and   The livestock needed to feed.  Only 5 % of the remaining mammals are actually,  wild animals..

.  I still can't get my head around that.  Then there's   deforestation, micro plastics,  . . .  well best I not finish the list.  

All we need to do now is take our echoing noise into the remaining 5% and we will have  

Mastered the lot.   😁.  I am laughing at what I'm writing so, its ok ,  you can laugh too.


I like the sound 'for a short time at the race track', and I love the sound of my old diesel, but its about a bigger picture than me now. Once they get the battery fire situation safely sorted, then I will be an

old fool floating on a light pool..  kidding myself that I'm eco friendly,  . . . and thoughtful.


Well . .  I'm running low on tennis balls.   How are you today @Former-Member  I hope you get out every chance you get and live,  . . . . and write..  Full Throttle..


Hey @PeppyPatti   @Glisten   @TAB   @Oaktree  @Lila3  and everyone searching cupboards 

        @StuF                                                                           and drawers,  Now.. where did i put that 

                                                                                                 smile..                   tonys..







Re: Good Morning!

thats me and GP @greenpea  on sidecar w camera, giving chase is @tonys and @Glisten in the quiet orange one, made from gumtrees lolo..

Re: Good Morning!

So @Former-Member 








  @Lite   @Lila3 

  @SmilingGecko @ @greenpea 



 @Shaz51       @Jynx @Doldip15      @Tilz 

@Meowmy @Appleblossom   @Historylover  



Beautiful day here in Western Australia, Subiaco, not the rich bit of Subiaco, the poor bit.


I'm finishing my quilts today, two of them. I sort of not really have been thinking about vacuuming my flat, it's strewn with bits of fabric, thread and what not. 


In the next couple of days, I'll write what I've learned from this psychotherapy book - about the experience of the infant - don't know if I will get it right so open for positive criticism. 


Love love reading the messages. 



Re: Good Morning!

@saturnzoon  hope things are okay for you ?

Re: Good Morning!

G'day @tonys 


Thanks for the tag 🙂

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning champ @PeppyPatti I don't mind Suby ,prices are way out of my league but 

Re: Good Morning!

That fern is just gorgeous a kaleidoscope of colour! I've been to Perth once. The botanical gardens were so serene & different from Brisbane.
Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

@tonys  sounds like one of those beautiful crashing storms that shakes the ground beneath feet 🙂🌺 I hope the cleanup went smoothly afterwards 🙂

Yes; there is this same phenomenon existing across the globe… I still think it’s symptomatology of an underlying issue, and what I think the underlying issue is, is the changes of dynamic and integration of societies over the ages…stratification, industrialisation, systemic financial implementation, etc, leading to disconnection and frictions between many different aspects of society, which then results in inequality/inequity in many ways. Rebellion of the mind - when there are little other options for releasing societal the tensions that exist - with certain behaviours, is what I saw a great deal of when I was little, and the symptomatology was revs, crime, and acts of hate, reflecting the inner turmoil of resultant disconnects throughout the stratifications of society. 

I know you’ve mentioned not linking a body of research, however, if you’d be so kind to link one piece of academic research as a starter (doesn’t matter where it sits within the body of academic evidence), and I will bloodhound the rest, please? 
I’m wondering how much addresses the symptoms (the behaviours) of whatever is underlying, or the research is actively seeking out the wider influencers of why these symptoms exist and are becoming more prevalent 🌺🙂


yes,’s sad to learn the distribution of life across the globe, isn’t it. And how fragile the pinnacle of existence is amongst such a homogenised planet. I recall decades before the words ‘climate’ and ‘change’ were put together and coined as a concept, a really smart science teacher I had for physics talked about biomass distributions, temperature sensitivities of existence, and changes in weather patterns. Us little dry pools looking to fill deeply of knowledge would sit and listen during our lunch breaks to this smart smart guy.

I hope your day goes well tonys, and as always, it’s a pleasure to chat, and I’m grateful for the time you take in posting such significant topical discussion for my brain to chew on! 🌺🙂🙌🏻

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Hey there @PeppyPatti 🙌🏻☺️🌺💜

love the fern - very beautiful an image, thank you for sharing ☺️

That’s nice to hear it’s a nice day there - I love WA..I’ve been to Perth twice, and if I could I would move there in a heartbeat! 

Sounds like you’re almost done with the quilts…congratulations on all the hard work! I always leave the vacuuming till the end too! I consider it the ‘vacuum challenge’ Hehe 🤭

the psychotherapy book sounds interesting - would love to read your thoughts, I’m sure I’ll learn something new ☺️🤗🌺


take care of you, and I hope you have a good afternoon 💜🙂

Re: Good Morning!

Howdy @Former-Member ..   I have to get back to work so this is my clumsy quick serve,  and sometimes 

they just hit the chalk.   They did a Doco,   ABC tv again,  on a tribe of monkey's,  cant remember what 

type.   But the tribe was in constant stress, disharmony.  They removed a couple of dominant alpha's

and total harmony ensued. I would have thought another would have filled the spot. But no. Happy days for as many years as they studied that tribe, and they didn't have economic influences.


I went to that shrink, not for myself,  but so I could try and understand my adversary and best protect my neighbourhood.  She showed me a video study of a group of people watching another study called       (  "why do people like to make their cars and bikes sound loud". )       It wasn't pretty.  Chairs flying,  language,  denial. No ones likes a phd telling them they are. . . .   well I wont use Technical labels  


I trust my shrink. Her advice won me the day, and she works everyday on the streets I come from.


Thats why I don't want to lists the many hundreds of studies. Plus, I really don't want to change people. I just needed to know the most effective tactics to make my street a little more peaceful for the kids and old people. And know how to deal with it if I came across it again.   


Inequality....  I'm just watching,  insight on TV  SBS right now, and they are talking about people that won't share their big homes, worried about germ sharing in the bathroom.  Well thats a massive new topic.

Are the big loud parties, bikes, cars, power boats,  only in the hand of the poor.  The studies say no        I look back to alpha in the monkeys,. We are only a step away from those monkeys . . .  in suits. 


Well I given myself a third n final warning and then I'm sacked. Back to work for me,  But thankyou so much for engaging.

You definatley temper the edges and bring new thinking,  and best of all your a whole new street.

tonys . . .  😊🥹🙊..  


  Hi folks..    Suns playing hide and seek today.