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Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Yes our @Zoe7  is amazing @Snowie  I agree 👍 

Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

@Former-Member for her new job 🎉

Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Aww thanks @Snowie @Shaz51 💙💚

Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Hi there forumites! I just want to acknowledge @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51 @Snowie @Eve7 @Former-Member @Zoe7 for their great work here on the forums as part of Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo! Well done👍🏻!


I also want to give a 👍🏻 to:

 @Jake63 for their fabulous posts lately

@Dimity for the supports in the forums

@maddison for reaching out for support on the forums

@StuF for being so welcoming on the Good Morning thread

@SmilingGecko for being a great forum member


Thanks to all forum members for making the forums such a great place to be!



Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

OMG! Thank you so much @Judy9877

Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Thanks @Judi9877 


And a big agreement with all the acknowledgement of the other fabulous members and the community in general that make this a pretty fine place to be 🙂

Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Thanks @Judi9877 I always appreciate your posts, you're a great role model

Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Aww thank you @Zoe7 @Shaz51  as I’ve said before, it’s an honour and a privilege to be involved with SANE.


My big thumbs up goes to @tyme for your thoughtful and kind support when I opened up to you recently.



Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Awwww @Eve7 . Hugs to you. Thank you. you are amazing @Eve7 

Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Hi Everyone,


This is my first thumbs up post so I hope I'm doing it right.


I would really like to tag everyone! I read so many supportive messages to one another & I believe everyone here should be proud of themselves for contributing, not only by supporting, by being brave to reach out& share stories too.


I want to give a special shout out to @Judi9877 👍 for continually tagging us all in the morning thread, & updates on knitting, & Jude'sJungle. You are awesome @Judi9877 💜

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