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Looking after ourselves

Re: Partner with BPD

@Determined , not sure if you are around 🤔 but wondering how you and your family going 

Re: Partner with BPD

@tyme thanks for sharing and checking in, things are okay here. Hope you are doing well.

I have started the 28 gratitude practices from the book the magic by Rhonda Byrne, trying to role model some positive practices / and form better habits for myself.

Re: Partner with BPD

That sounds great! Feel free to share any particular strategies you are focussing on. It sounds very beneficial @Chook_ 

Re: Partner with BPD

Thanks @tyme. All quiet on the home front for me since setting clear boundaries. Like others I am also looking at my responses to my daughters behaviour and, where I've noticed that I've lacked empathy I've apologised. I was fortunate to attend the 'Staying Connected when Emotions Run High" workshop through Illawarra Health years ago. Since then I've worked on developing 'contagious calm'. Having said all this, there will still be times when I will have to either bite my tongue or walk away. But that's ok too.

Re: Partner with BPD

Such an amazing takeaway, and so important @Bloss . It's a form of self-care and protection. Good on you and thanks for sharing.

Re: Partner with BPD

@tyme thank you it is so kind of you to check in with us all. I'm so sorry I haven't been on here in a while. I'm doing ok considering I just got diagnosed with PTSD 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ we laugh so we don't cry right. I'm actually doing a lot better than the last few months. I went to a 4 hour breathwork experience on the weekend and it absolutely was hands down the best thing I've ever participated in. I had the most wonderful physical and emotional release. I feel alive again, like I can actually breathe. I could not recommend it more highly for anyone who is under stress.


How are you doing?

Re: Partner with BPD

Hi Everyone,


I just found this thread and am looking to connect with others who have partners with BPD


At the moment i'm struggling to find/make time to both get educated and resources and skills to support my husband with BPD and take care of our 4 young children as well as time for myself. My husband is currently at a private mental health hospital after a significant episode, so things are quite stressful right now. 


Does anyone have any suggestions? I also work full time and feel myself getting overwhelmed easily. 



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