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Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 6 March, 7pm AEDT


A lot of experience sure sums it up! I'm 35 now and I've almost constantly been in treatment of one sort or another since I was 15. (I will clarify, though, BPD is only one of the diagnoses I've wound up with. I also live with DID and "complex trauma", so that has had some impact as well.)

When I was fifteen, I was self harming daily, suicidal most of the time, and generally struggling to get through life. I hated myself and I fought constantly with my mother, though that had improved some since I was 12 and she sent me away for two years. Things got worse when I was assaulted early the next year (16) and I began to recover memories of abuse from earlier in my life. My grades went down, I stopped participating as much in schoolwork and my previously pretty pathetic results with friendships completely derailed into abyssimal results.

**edited because apparently I don't know how old I am, lol.

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 6 March, 7pm AEDT

I was taken to hospital a few times at that time I was told to see the mental health services. I turned up a few times but felt like they didn’t know what was wrong and just labeled me with depression. My local dr put me on antidepressants at that time.

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 6 March, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Phoenix_Rising, thanks so much for joining.

That sounds like an extremely difficult time. What was it like receiving the BPD diagnosis?

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 6 March, 7pm AEDT

it really surprised me @EliseSunflower but it was also like finding the missing piece. i was able to take a read up and also meet others on here with the same mh diagnosis so learnt more about it  and  makes sense why it felt something was missing..

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 6 March, 7pm AEDT

Hi @OhanaSystem

I've been known to spell my own name wrong so no judgement about the age edit Smiley Very Happy

Thanks for letting me know about your diagnoses and experiences as a teenager. That sounds like a very challenging time.

What was it like for you receiving that diagnosis?

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 6 March, 7pm AEDT

Thanks everyone who has replied so far.

To keep things moving, I'm going to move on to the next question:

What was it like seeking and receiving a diagnosis? 

(If you haven't let me know already, it'd be awesome if you could let me know what personality disorder you have been diagnosed with - thanks!). 


Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 6 March, 7pm AEDT

Getting a BPD diagnoses put me in the outsider category. Mental health professionals are a new obstacle to deal with because a lot don't believe in the diagnoses.

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 6 March, 7pm AEDT


I found out through my psychologist's letter to a psychiatrist.  I opened the letter and read the referral.  He didn't even explainn it to me beforehand.

No one really explained it to me - i had to google my diagnosis.  I hate it.  I hate the word Borderline - i wish it was changed.

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 6 March, 7pm AEDT

@EliseSunflower receiving the diagnosis of BPD was initially a huge relief. My then-therapist gave me a copy of the diagnostic criteria from the DSM-III and I felt so relieved to discover that what I was struggling with had a name and that other people struggled in the same way that I did. Me being me, I then went and read everything I could find on BPD (which wasn't a lot at the time!!!) and I found it all hugely validating. 

However, as time went on and I kept landing myself (usually with the help of police!) in hospital, I became very aware of the stigma and negative attitudes of mental health professionals towards people with BPD. I was told I was attention seeking and that I just needed to grow up. I also had icky experiences such as being locked in seclusion etc. Mental health professionals tended to take a punitive and shaming approach towards people with BPD (and sadly, far too many MH professionals still do!!!). Consequently, most of what I struggle with now is due to trauma I've experienced at the hands of MH professionals rather than the stuff that initially created my muddle. Smiley SadSmiley SadSmiley Sad

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 6 March, 7pm AEDT

@Mum2eight Unfortunately that's a story I've heard a few times - health professionals diagnosing depression but missing some of the other signs and symptoms. It can make things very difficult to access the support you need at the time. I guess it can sometimes be a step in the right direction though!