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Re: Healthy Minds Webcast Series // Smashing stigma // Tues 27 Sep 7pm AEST

Flower and Sadgirl everyones time is different. 

Re: Healthy Minds Webcast Series // Smashing stigma // Tues 27 Sep 7pm AEST

I agree @texnuggett

One thing I will leave you with @Former-Member & @BlueBay - and actually anyone who contributes to these forums  - don't underestimate yourselves and what you currently already do to fight stigma.

Posting your own personal experiences in these forums and also responding to other members with support and advice is SMASHING stigma. You are smashing the stigma others are putting on themselves or that they have about certain diagnosis etc.

Don't underestimate the power of disclosure right here 🙂

Re: Healthy Minds Webcast Series // Smashing stigma // Tues 27 Sep 7pm AEST

My concern is that there tends to be a trend to reduce stigma for the more "socially acceptable" mental illnesses (Anxiety and Depression) but nothing is done to reduce the stigma for the more socially unacceptable ones that can cause people to appear "weird" or unable to appear normal in social situations (eg:some people with Schizophrenia,Schizoaffective Disorder,Autism, & Bipolar Disorder).

People with Anxiety or Depresssion are often able to hide (relatively) their disorders if they choose as they can "act normal" but some of the more severe people we sometimes see in the street arn't able to appear normal and visibly look lost or confused,or talking to themselves,or shuffling etc and I think more effort should be done to reduce stigma for all  types of people with Mental Illnesses not just the more acceptable ones.

I also don't think that Anti-stigma campaigns should be based along the principle that Mental Illness is just another illness (like Diabetes etc) that you just treat and then all is fine because the reality is that for some people there is no effective treatment.

We should encourage people not to stigmatise because it is wrong and hurtful,and not because it is treatable.




Re: Healthy Minds Webcast Series // Smashing stigma // Tues 27 Sep 7pm AEST

Absolutely @ivana !

It was great to see you all tonight @BlueBay @Former-Member @Former-Member @ivana @Former-Member

@texnuggett & @CassieSM - I don't think I've "seen you around" the forums before - so it's lovely to meet you 🙂 I hope you both continue to visit the forums.

I'm logging off now - but you're all welcome to continue the conversation.

For those who are new, be sure to check out the Community Guidelines


Re: Healthy Minds Webcast Series // Smashing stigma // Tues 27 Sep 7pm AEST

@ivana I fully agree. When I was in hospital I met some lovely people that couldn't hide their illness and I am grateful I was able to spend time with them. I was really surprised at how supportive they were towards me, knowing that their own battles are so much harder.

Re: Healthy Minds Webcast Series // Smashing stigma // Tues 27 Sep 7pm AEST

I agree @Former-Member. I learned so much about mental illness and life when I was in the in the psych ward the first time. For me that was my learning ground and dispelled all my myths about MI. Everyone was so friendly and giving. Mine is not obvious on the outside either and I was greatful for that acceptance. 

Re: Healthy Minds Webcast Series // Smashing stigma // Tues 27 Sep 7pm AEST

I know you've signed off for now @NikNik but I was wondering if you could please do the webinars and events like this a bit later in future. I've missed the first half every time so far. It means it's also hard to fill out surveys too. I know this is all about me, I'm not sure if anyone else feels the same. 

Re: Healthy Minds Webcast Series // Smashing stigma // Tues 27 Sep 7pm AEST

@BlueBay @Former-Member. I've been able to be open about my depression and anxiety. Most people seem to understand these diagnosis. But me having PTSD when I wasn't at war or sexually abused - nope that's out of their comprehension.
I do believe with an earlier post that depression and anxiety seem to get the advertising and understanding. I don't think this is fair. But I do hope that by getting the general public to understand these MI's - that the future looks better for people understanding and accepting other MI's. I guess the government is just choosing the easiest sell. Again - not fair.
@BlueBay. I don't have a clear understanding of BPD. But I wonder rather than telling family you have BPD that you could instead describe to them the symptoms of this MI. It may make it easier for them to grasp. I'm not sure if it would make it any easier to tell them though.
I grew up with a mentally ill father - undiagnosed. So mental health has always been an open discussion in my family - most family. Some family members just don't want to know - so I don't waste my time or energy.
I have found other people in the community to be interested in learning more.
I refuse to be ashamed of my MI. I am sensitive to change and stress. I know this now. And I'm starting to realise that except for the lowest of lows - I'm doing all right.

Re: Healthy Minds Webcast Series // Smashing stigma // Tues 27 Sep 7pm AEST

@NikNik and @Former-Member

I had some time to let last nights session sink in. I guess as long as we all hide behind our masks, we will never make a change. It still makes me very sad that disability whether physically or mentally and even LGBT still has so much stigma attached to it. Growing up in a different, more accepting, culture, and growing up with friends in all of these groups probably contributed to how shocked and upset I was after last nights session.

Thanks all for sharing and speaking out!

Re: Healthy Minds Webcast Series // Smashing stigma // Tues 27 Sep 7pm AEST

Hey @Former-Member, come over here.  We're having a related discussion.