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Support groups

Hello everyone, I am really please to find this site. I am looking for family & friends support for myself & potentially support for my sister. My sister was recently diagnosed with schizophrenia & is currently recovering in hospital. Unfortunately her illness has gone untreated until now due to substance abuse (meth) & her psychosis was largely put down to that. She didn’t agree with previous diagnosis & refused to take meds. these past few weeks, the universe saw her in a different hospital where she has had exceptional medical staff support. Her rights have been removed for a short period to ensure she gets the right medication & then moves onto regular monthly injections before release. It’s a huge relief & she is starting to feel better…is confused as to why she heard voices but still isn’t completely onboard with her diagnosis. I know this will take time & she is in the right place. This is the closest I’ve seen her to being my sister in many years previously nervous, uneasy & not enjoying herself. It’s an absolute joy to see her coming back. I’m reaching out because I want to do everything I can, to support her. When she returns to her new home she will live alone (not far from me) & I’m unsure if she will return to using again. Regardless of the drug use, I am well aware in desperation to help her….I’ve likely not approached things the best way possible. I hoped someone here could steer me the right way for support? I have children to juggle so I’d say online connections is probably a good start. Thank you 🫶


Re: Support groups

Hi @CaringSister22, welcome to the forum.  I know there's been a few people here discussing schizophrenia that maybe be able to offer some advice related to that.  There is also and information page about it here...

You may find information there that may be helpful to help support your sister.


While it is obviously an incredibly tough time for you and your sister right now with her in hospital, it's the best place for her and its sounds really promising that she is getting the help and support she needs and starting to feel better.  I understand your concern about her returning home alone though.  Is it possible that she could stay with you or someone else for a day or two when she leaves hospital? Does she have any support workers or anyone like that who regularly check in on her?  Sorry, I don't have any experience with it myself, and don't really know what the processes are with treatment and recovery with schizophrenia.  Maybe there is a local support group she could go to or you could go with her to.  It may also be worth having a chat to her medical people at the hospital while she's there to see what supports services are available in the area for her if you haven't already.


I think online connections are a great way to start.  Its how I started when I was trying to get more comfortable reaching out to people for support.  So i'm sure you'll find it very helpful for yourself and for supporting your sister.


I wish you the best of luck and I hope your sister continues to improve.  I hope you are coping okay as well, this can't be east for you either.  Let us know how things are going.


Edit:  I forgot to add... you can use the forum search function to find the posts (and the people involved) talking about schizophrenia.  You may find this handy to find information and support you're looking for.

Re: Support groups

Hey @CaringSister22 welcome to the forums!!


We're so glad to have you join us 😊

I can see you and your sister have gone through so much, i'm so happy to hear she's doing much better! Transitioning to her new home is definitely a big step, and building that support system would definitely be important for her - it's really great that she's got you nearby as well, I can see you really care about her! Please do make sure you are taking care of yourself too and fit in some breaks/self-care for yourself 💙


Does she have a psychologist/psychiatrist that she can reach out too? There's also Lifeline like MJG's mentioned and Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467. Your sister can also try this: Counselling Online - free drug and alcohol counselling in Australia and Current mental health resources and support services | (


If you need support too, you can reach out to Carers Australia, you're mental health matters too!

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