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Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

and the convenience @tyme being able to go and pick what you need especially herbs they are $3.50 for a small punett yet for less than that you can plant an ongoing supply

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

What about coriander @ArraDreaming ? I can grow parsley, but coriander always dies off...

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

Oooh I had coriander in my draft draft post but took it out as it such a contra versional thing hey, did you want tips for it?

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

Have you got it in the shade @tyme

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

Does it have to stay in the shade? @ArraDreaming  I don't have any coriander at the moment because it just shows I can't grow it! Yes, tips would be great.

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

Also @Oaktree sounds like you got a lot happening

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

Absolutely needs shade @tyme partial shade or if in full sun it needs well drained soil, autum winter spring no summer

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

Why does it need to be well-drained if it is in full sun @ArraDreaming ? Sorry for all these probably dumb questions.... but I would have thought if it was in shade, it would nee well drained, soil - not in full sun!


Sorry id I'm confusing you.

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

that was confusing sorry @tyme
it always needs well drained soil whether it’s in partial shade or full sun, but it does like SOME sun so it won’t live just like inside your home in a pot
It’s a fussy one

Re: Weeklong Discussion: Gardening For Mental Health

But also @tyme coriander is VERY hard to grow