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Something’s not right

Re: Struggling

@MDT - I feel very lost and emotional. 
currently doing diamond painting

Re: Struggling

sending love @Fluttershy1 @WIP I hope todays abit better for you guys Heart

Re: Struggling

Hey @outlander @WIP @MDT @Former-Member , 

my depression is still pretty bad. 
im just having a quiet day. Trying to get up and dressed so I can take my dog for at least an hour walk but I really don't think it's going to happen... 

Things just aren't going my way lately and I'm hating it, I just want it to get better. 
they think I have bipolar..... 

I'm safe Heart

Take care 🌻

Re: Struggling

Diamond painting sounds good @Fluttershy1
I'm gonna do something soon too.
Senior Contributor

Re: Struggling

I just got back from taking my pup for a walk. We weren't gone an hour, but I do feel a bit better for going even though I really didn't feel like it.

Maybe you'll feel a little better if you're up to taking your dog out for a short time? @Fluttershy1 


I know how much you want to get better, I feel that way too. We've just gotta try and do our best to survive each day best we can.


Do you have upcoming appts with your professional medical team? That gives you something to look forward to.


Take care. x

Re: Struggling

Glad you are safe @Fluttershy1

Re: Struggling


Re: Struggling

@MDT @WIP  - had a dissociative episode. Now crying. I don't even remember posting before. Things are abit pear shaped. I need to motivate myself to go for a walk. I do have upcoming appointments but yeah. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Struggling

Hey @MDT 


How are you going this Sunday afternoon?

Senior Contributor

Re: Struggling

I feel you need to try and settle down before you go for a walk @Fluttershy1 . You need to be safe when outside.

Just try to settle if you can.


Im happy to sit here quietly with you if you like.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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