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Something’s not right

Re: Struggling

I'm willing to sit with you my friend. @MDT 

Re: Struggling

Thank you @Fluttershy1

Re: Struggling

@MDT - anytime!

Re: Struggling

@Anastasia @Snowie @Shaz51 @jem80 - are anyone of you around for a chat?

Feeling not to good, in a crying episode at the moment... 

Me safe 

Re: Struggling

@Fluttershy1 @MDT @Appleblossom @Clawde @Bow @Former-Member 


sitting with you tonight.

concerned by your postings

I know you may be reluctant to take medication if you aren't on any, however it can help. I have found medication to be beneficial and when I wasn't on it I was more susceptible to becoming unwell if I had a stressful event or situation.


If you need to talk to someone please chat with lifeline at or call on 131114.

Re: Struggling

@jem80 - whos posts are we talking about? 

I'm just having a really rough night tonight. Just had my meds... 

Can't think straight tonight..

Not applicable

Re: Struggling

Hi @Fluttershy1 ,

Sounds like you are really struggling tonight with feeling scared and not wanting to take your medications. It can be very hard when we are going onto medications for the first time. Especially if we are adapting to them becoming a long term part of our lives.
It's great to hear that you are safe and that @jem80  has pointed out lifeline as a support you can call as an alternative to our Help center as well.
Please take care and reach out to your supports if you need to.

Take care,


Re: Struggling

@Former-Member - I'm safe just not liking the idea of medication that is a very scary thing. 

If you want to check on me in emails thats okay. 

I hidy with safe toys.

Re: Struggling

Hi @jem80 it's nice to hear from you 🙂

Re: Struggling

Hihi 🥺🥺

@MDT @jem80  

me safe

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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