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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

@creative_writer I do think that there is a psych out there for all of us. Sometimes we have to weed through others to find them. I also think that it is something that comes with time. It took me awhile to feel comfortable and safe with the psych I have now. That trust isn't just given, it has to be earned.


Sounds like you have your evening planned. 

I'm just about to have a shower, tea and then bed. Think that's the best for me tonight.

Re: My special place

@Snowie I’ve never been able to find a psych where I felt comfortable to let my guard down completely. I’m not sure how much of it is a trauma response and how much of it is not finding the right psych.

A easy evening is sometimes what you need. I hope you are able to get more sleep tonight 💖

Re: My special place

So it's World Suicide Prevention Day today.

Sat in the car this morning for over an hour contemplating life and what to do.


Ask someone how are you? Start a conversation. It just might make a difference.




Re: My special place

Very true @Snowie being asked how we are, especially when the asker really wants to know, can make all the difference.


So, how are you Snowie?

Re: My special place

Not that great @Ru-bee Been a hard day.


How are you going?

Re: My special place

Sorry to hear it's been a rough day @Snowie. Have you been up to much today?

Re: My special place

Saw my psych this morning @creative_writer 


How are you going?

Re: My special place

I'm going good @Snowie 


How was the session this morning, given everything that's been going on?

Re: My special place

@Snowie I hope you found the psych appointment helpful ❤️

I'm doing better, not great, but the agitation has settled. Thoughts of contamination are still present

Re: My special place

@Ru-bee it was a hard session, we spoke about a hard day coming up. She agreed with the pdoc with an admission. It took me awhile to get home. Big decision made.


@creative_writer Anything is better than nothing I guess. I still acknowledge how hard it is for you.



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