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Re: My special place

@Snowie wrote:

Holding on is tiring. I don't think this platform is the type of place where I can really say what has happened.

I don't want to trigger anyone.

We can infer, @Snowie  😭


Sending wishes that those destructive thoughts bugger off! 💙

Re: My special place

Good afternoon @creative_writer @NatureLover 

Hoping both of your days are going well. What are you up to today?


Just been at home. Upgraded from the bed to the couch!! D is cooking a cake so the house is smelling nice. 

Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie , good to see you 🙂


The couch is nice and safe, I hope. 


I just got back from errands - library and 2 different supermarkets for different things. Thank goodness I can stay home the rest of the weekend. 


Do you have to go out this weekend? 

Re: My special place

Good afternoon hun @Snowie 🙂 How're you?

Cake sounds delicious; what kind?

Re: My special place

Hi @NatureLover 

Least they are done now. Going up the shops on the weekend is always so much busier. 

The couch is nice.

I think I'm relying on prn a bit too much.

A quiet weekend coming up for me. What is your weekend looking like?


@lavenderhaze I'm so so. I slept better last night so that's good.

She made an orange and poppyseed cake. Just had a bit, was yummy.


How are both of you today?




Re: My special place

If PRN is needed, it's needed @Snowie 


I'm glad to hear you slept better last night.👍


That's good you have a quiet weekend ahead - I'm guessing you're not up to socialising or events. 


Quiet here too which is the way I like it. Pottering round house and in garden. I feel OK thanks. 


Except now I'm wanting orange and poppyseed cake...! 

Re: My special place

Good to hear you slept well @Snowie ❤️ I hope you feel better

Yum! That sounds so good - I am jealous

Do you have a bit of a sweet tooth?

Re: My special place

No not up to socialising @NatureLover Would just like to hide away in my own little world.

Do want to go to BigW but might leave that till next week.


Pottering around the house and gardening sounds like a nice weekend too. Sometimes it is nice to just have that down time.


It was yum hon. Still warm from coming out of the oven. I buy the packet mixes and she makes them!!



Re: My special place

That's the best way @Snowie 

For you to buy the packet mixes and she cooks tem yumm 

Re: My special place

Sleep can make a difference @lavenderhaze I still have those thoughts, but they are manageable at the moment. Feels like I can have a break from them.


Don't really have much of a sweet tooth. If cake is there I'll have a piece, but don't normally buy many sweet things. The kids don't really eat a lot either. They would rather savory food.

Do you eat many sweet things?