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Re: under 30s thread

Hey @MDT

Re: under 30s thread

hows it going @outlander ?

Re: under 30s thread

Im holding steady for now @MDT just chatting on here keeping distracted . Dont think ill be sleeping yet again
How are you? Hows your job?

Re: under 30s thread

fair enough @outlander
i am alright yeh
next shift is thursday night
hopefully organising some stuff soon for volunteering

Re: under 30s thread

Re: under 30s thread

Been quiet on here @outlander

I wonder if there are new members who are under 30 ?

Re: under 30s thread

hmm not that i know of @MDT when new members under 30 pop up someone usually tags me and i havent gotten any of that sort yet.. 

Re: under 30s thread

Hello @outlander and @MDT and everyone else 🙂 i hope you are all well i have been very very very busy lately so i havent been on here as much as i would have liked to be. whats been happening in your lives? 

Re: under 30s thread

@outlanderhey i have been good just been trying to focous on work and getting my license 


Re: under 30s thread

sounds like a busy time @Eden1919 its good to hear your ok though. sometimes good to be busy Heart 

@gymgirl240nice to hear from you again. sounds like some good foxus points. hows the new job treating you?