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Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @Former-Member  think be better prepared next time though

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah @TAB ; I totally agree that once you’ve taught something, it’s easier to prep for next time - the element of kinda knowing some of what to expect give that bit of insight that helps 🙌🏻☺️

Hope your day is going well 🙂🌺

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah I didnt know what to expect. Bit more idea next time . Got dentist in an hour then a couple hours drive home @Former-Member  thanks

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!


ok I hope it goes well at the dentist @TAB , and the drive home goes smoothly. 
let us know how you get on if you’d like to 🙂🌺

Re: Good Morning!

Thanks. @Former-Member 

Re: Good Morning!

Have you become a teacher @TAB ??

Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @Former-Member 



Re: Good Morning!

Hi @PeppyPatti  no , terminology. I am trying to become a 'trainer' 

Re: Good Morning!

thanks for the heads up @Glisten. I haven't read the article yet but if it means victims of DV of any type will have better access to property etc then all I can say is that it is about bloody time! My mum was a victim of emotional abuse and I have to say it's taken me a long time to forgive my father for what he did to her.


I hope everyone had a lovely Easter break, may your day and evening be restful and/or fun!



Re: Good Morning!

Oh. You mean cert 4 ? 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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