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Re: Christian Chat

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Re: Christian Chat

Hi @Rosemary4 .

I consider that Philippians passage to be my "social media manifesto". There's so much junk and negativity online, it's good to counter it with a bit of beautiful, true, excellent, commendable etc. 😊


Re: Christian Chat

Hi @Smc, how are you? thanks for callout 😊 Interesting concept, to have a private 'Social Media Manifesto' (a public declaration of policy and aims). Sometimes I get crippled by the pain of other people & don't quite know how to handle that sitting here on my own, and there's a lot of pain on saneforums, sometimes it's hard to sift out some positives to highlight. Is that what you mean? I worry people need their pain to be heard / acknowledged before they can move on, and if I only acknowledges positives then that angers them sometimes, makes worse. Bits that's in conversation. Personal perspective in my heart & soul is pretty safe vi have to 'think on good things' there. It's a daily process. Tending my garden is a great place to start when I get stuck in MH opression 🌷🌱

Re: Christian Chat

Lovely OLD HYMN 🎶


Re: Christian Chat

Jesus said: “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. ... Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me. For i am meek and lowly of heart, and you will find rest for your soul...

Matthew 28

Re: Christian Chat

@Rosemary4, I agree it's important to acknowledge pain, but somehow also to not suffocate under trying to carry others' pain, or your own for that matter. It's tricky when you see other people saying "You've got this!" when the person in question is feeling overwhelmed and not at all as if they've "got it". Sometimes it's best just to empathetically agree that yep, it's hard, but to offer to "stand with" the person as far as is possible. And then I'll try my best to remember to pray for them... because honestly, their wellbeing is something I can only partially contribute to at best. God knows their heart and knows their hurt better than anyone, and he's big enough to carry it. I'm not. xx
I guess my "manifesto" is in some ways for myself. Trying to remember the importance of "looking up" and looking for the good things, rather than getting so drawn down by sorrow and pain and damage that I can't even see the good anymore. If presenting social media posts that are about good and beautiful things helps others out as well, all the better.

Re: Christian Chat

I hear you @Smc, makes sense what to say. I need to openly acknowledge more I think "that's hard" is a safe reply. 

This thread, should be hopeful at least. 


I'm flat today

realising my inadequacies

and being someone nobody wants to be around. 

Not rejection so much, but time, and how people just prefer to be elsewhere.

All of them

Any time I think is perhaps an obligation, duty, pity :face_with_rolling_eyes: maybe

or so it seems

Talk about cold reality

Where does one go with such darkness

Life's just not what I expected

Denial is the only way, switching back to pretending (though exhausting it be)

keep trying, believing, hope...

Anyway, just came here SF for company, nice to see your msg 

Life's just not what I expected today 😢

Re: Christian Chat

Sending you lots of tender hugs @Rosemary4 ❤❤


@Smc , @Faith-and-Hope , @pjc1965 , @tyme 

Re: Christian Chat

xx @Rosemary4, take care.

Not applicable

Re: Christian Chat

Hey @Rosemary4, days when you feel life is not what you expected, and it is disappointing, those are very dark days. I am on the forums tonight, thinking of you and here with you. Here for a chat if that’s what you want, but just know that I’m here for you xxx
