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Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Thankyou @Judi9877 I agree 100%.

I know 2022 wasn't always easy for you personally... may 2023 be everything you hope for and more.

Thumbs up to you.

Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

A big thumbs up to @Appleblossom for your support to so many over the Christmas / New Year / holiday break. You were on the forums every day offering positive support in some very negative situations. Sharing your lived experience in such a positive manner turned many conversations around for the better. Thank you for living out the SANE values to all of us.



Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Couldn't agree more @Eve7 👍

Thank you @Appleblossom 💕

Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Good evening and happy Thursday to everyone joining here tonight including @ShiningStar @Emelia8 @Eve7 @Dimity @Shaz51 @MDT @Peregrinefalcon @hanami @Former-Member @tyme @amber22 @Paperdaisy @Former-Member @RiverSeal @yellowcorgi @Snowie @maddison @EternalFlower.

It’s time to celebrate here in forumland for a dose of Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo! with all the great things forumites have done over the past few weeks. Let’s get the party started🥳!


I’d like to give a huge thumbs up 👍🏻to the new members that have joined the forum community and thank each of them for being brave to reach out and ask for help via the forums who are:

@Murphy2 @britishtvfan @TK23 @LeChuck @GraceUponGrace @ProggyPanther @insideblue @Millydove @Bionic @Mummaoats @Useless @loveconquersall @Ali010 @steveaustin @ProbNotSane @Sally1458 @GRiMMiCK @Therese7 @ClockFace @Bossmum @Benno88 @Blue8 I hope to see you around the forums soon!

Thumbs up 👍🏻 go to the following members for being very supportive of new forum members and offering wonderful advice and support and making the forums a great place to be:

@Little_Leopard @BPDSurvivor @EternalFlower @wordman @Wolfman @tonys @David_888 @Flotsam @creative_writer @NatureLover @Gwynn @lala2 @RiverSeal @amber22 @Former-Member @tyme @Shaz51 @Delicatessen 


Thumbs up to @Birdofparadise8 @KindHeartedSoul @LooneyToones @Historylover @Snowie @Eve7 @outlander for being brave and asking for support👍🏻

Thumbs up and welcome back to the forums @Owlunar @Learninggrowing 👍🏻

To the new moderators on the forums, thumbs up and welcome 👍🏻 @Academica @babyshark @Former-Member @PrincessLettuce @GardensHeart @pamplemousse @Wanda @rockypug @Artaud 


That’s all for me tonight for this episode of Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo! 🥳. Feel free to nominate more members of this wonderful community for things I may have missed!


Take care and stay safe!



Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

hi @Judi9877 and everyone else. thanks for the tag.

Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Awww thank you @Judi9877 

👍to you too my awesome friend for everything you do on the forum xxxx

Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Hi @Judi9877 


Thanks for the welcome back - I do appreciate it and I am really glad to be back


And what a great Woohoo Thursday post - there are just so many to be included in a shout-out post - fantastic!



Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

@Judi9877  ❤️

Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Just want to give a big shout out and thank you to @Former-Member  for their warm compassion, insights, and attentiveness to others' pain on here.


Often I come on in the early morning and find that @Former-Member  has been there before me with some wise and kind words, showing thoughtfulness and detailed listening. 


@Former-Member , have you thought about applying to become a Community Guide at the next intake? I think you'd make an excellent one. 

Re: Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo!

Hi @NatureLover 

A very caring reply.

Thank you for your kind words.


I also note you around.

What l enjoy is the different perspectives people offer.

Sometimes l think, that reply from someone is not so good. Then their chat continues. And l learn so much from otgers ways in dealing with their Lived Experiences.

So thank you too for your amazing input on the forum.


I look forward to reading your replies and even though some have differrnt ideas, we are aware it is not a one rule for all.

So keep opening my mind as you do!

I like your care, openess and sharing the talents you have learnt on your incredible journey.


Thank you

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